Thursday, July 29, 2010

~My Incredible Holidays!!! JULY 2010~

Paris ~ St Louis ~ Iowa ~ Chicago ~ Toronto

With the help of my dad, my aunt Doris and my cousin Agnes, I have been able to make a long travel:) we first do 2 days in Paris which was awesome.. we have visit the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Champs Elysees, the Galleries la Fayette,..

Paris is a city that is fully active - 24h/24hr - 7j/7j... there is always something to visit.. it is so big and beautiful.. its a dream coming true..
I also experience my first time in the subway.. I tried lots of variety of foods that of course we don't have in Mauritius..

St Louis is a big city with lots of attraction, but there were no people walking on the roads.. Most of them are in their cars or inside the buildings. The wedding of Tammy & Grant was very amazing... Terry bring me and Agnes to six flags where i experience my fisrt ride on a roller coaster!!! its was freaking awesome!!! i could have a heart attack but after the ride i enjoyed it and in my head i was saying ''yay im still alive'' XD i also went to the movie premiere of ''The Last Airbender''.. it wasnt full but Terry's friend disguised themselves. in fact when a movie has an enormous success most of the fans will disguised themselves in their favorite heroes..

Iowa is a place where there is not much to do.. aunt Ellen's house is very big.. Tim brought me to watch 3D movies.. 2in all: toy story3, how to train your dragon and shrek4...
uncle Bawei brought us to John Deer where there are huge tractors..

Chicago is a big city!!! though we didn't pass a lot of time there, we have enjoyed it:) we were lost when finding our way back home but it was quite fun.. the trip wasn't that funny as it was 4 hours of driving..

Aunt Ellen brought us shopping very often, and as there were huge sales, it was very worthy..
i got lots of clothes for myself and for my sister.. got some jewels and also got some gifts for my friend and families.

Toronto was the last city of our trip.. with uncle James, aunt Shirley, Stacey, Cindy and the little Gaby, my stay there was really funny and adventurous.. we did lots of shopping, we have visited lots of places like: Niagara Falls, Toronto Downtown & its Chinatown, ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) & CN Tower.. we also went to cinemas watching: salt, the sorcerer's apprentice and the a-team. titi agna & family were here too to make us have a nice stay in toronto and made us visit some cool places..

The best was to finally meet my little niece Gabrielle (Gaby) and to pinch her cheeks:P I so love her

i wish to be able to go there again soon.. but hopefully i want my next trip to be Australia, to visit my best friend Sandrine:)

there are also other places i want to visit like: Spain, Italy, England, China, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Las vegas, Miami, Korea, Rodrigues...

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